} } #Caching Start config #Caching End #REALURL: config [GLOBAL] # INDEXSUCHE [loginUser = *] ### BEGIN: # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # KONFIGURATION FUER ---- DIE ALTE ---- INDEXEDSUCHE # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # plugin.tx_indexedsearch._CSS_DEFAULT_STYLE > plugin.tx_indexedsearch show # Blinding of option-selectors / values in these (advanced search) (see $optValues array in source code for options + extResume checkbox) blind rules_stdWrap sectionlinks_stdWrap path_stdWrap resultlist_stdWrap whatis_stdWrap search result_link_target = /* flagRendering = CASE flagRendering */ /* iconRendering = CASE iconRendering */ forwardSearchWordsInResultLink = 0 # Setting default values for piVars (please see the source code for the form-field names which you can preset values for here) _DEFAULT_PI_VARS _LOCAL_LANG.de # end of _LOCAL_LANG.de } ### END: # Angabe in welchen Bereichen gesucht werden soll # Ebene / Seiten-IDs bei denen begonnen werden soll Intranet: 172, DE: 2 plugin.tx_indexedsearch._DEFAULT_PI_VARS.sections = rl1_172,2 plugin.tx_user_isresultcontainer_pi1.indexPageId = 1476 [else] ### BEGIN: # # # # # # # # # KONFIGURATION FUER ---- DIE ALTE ---- INDEXEDSUCHE # # # # # # # # # # plugin.tx_indexedsearch._CSS_DEFAULT_STYLE > plugin.tx_indexedsearch show # Blinding of option-selectors / values in these (advanced search) (see $optValues array in source code for options + extResume checkbox) blind rules_stdWrap sectionlinks_stdWrap path_stdWrap resultlist_stdWrap whatis_stdWrap search result_link_target = /* flagRendering = CASE flagRendering */ /* iconRendering = CASE iconRendering */ forwardSearchWordsInResultLink = 0 # Setting default values for piVars (please see the source code for the form-field names which you can preset values for here) _DEFAULT_PI_VARS _LOCAL_LANG.de # end of _LOCAL_LANG.de } ### END: plugin.tx_indexedsearch._DEFAULT_PI_VARS.sections = rl1_2 [global] [GLOBAL] ### BEGIN: plugin.tx_felogin_pi1 #preserve GET vars - define "all" or commaseperated list of GET-vars that should be included by link generation preserveGETvars = all #additional fields showForgotPasswordLink = showPermaLogin = # time in hours how long the link for forget password is valid forgotLinkHashValidTime = 336 newPasswordMinLength = 6 welcomeHeader_stdWrap welcomeMessage_stdWrap successHeader_stdWrap successMessage_stdWrap logoutHeader_stdWrap logoutMessage_stdWrap errorHeader_stdWrap errorMessage_stdWrap forgotHeader_stdWrap forgotMessage_stdWrap changePasswordHeader_stdWrap changePasswordMessage_stdWrap cookieWarning_stdWrap # stdWrap for fe_users fields used in Messages userfields } #redirect #APA 11112013 redirectMode = getpost,login redirectFirstMethod = 1 redirectPageLogin = redirectPageLoginError = 562 redirectPageLogout = 717 #disable redirect with one switch redirectDisable = #disable redirect with one switch redirectDisable = email_from = email_fromName = "Testname" replyTo = test@test.de # Allowed Referrer-Redirect-Domains: domains = # Show logout form direct after login showLogoutFormAfterLogin = dateFormat = Y-m-d H:i } plugin.tx_felogin_pi1._CSS_DEFAULT_STYLE ( .tx-felogin-pi1 label

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